E. Aardema

Diese Website beinhaltet meine Thesis.                                     Visuelles       Narrative writing exercises      Literatur

Narrative Writing Exercises 

On this page I will collect and reflect on the narrative writing exercises that I conducted during the research period of my thesis.  They are meant to be rough drafts of possible fictions and have a personal goal to further develop my writing and training in creating speculative fictions. 

How to? Exercise #2 Exercise #3 Exercise #5   
How to do a narrative writing exercise?

The second exercise explores the possibility of a prototype without a narrative, it does so through the question of what remains of a speculation without a fiction. 
This 3rd exercise focusses on the potential possibilities of temporary structures that get erected around building sites, mostly to keep areas dry, the outside clean or to conceal dirtyness from the world.  Connected to it is the following sketch: 
What is an object in public space?
connected with the following sketch: